Baby #2

I’m almost 23 weeks pregnant with Baby #2, and if you haven’t already heard the news, it’s a GIRL! We are so excited for this baby girl to be here in September, and we feel so incredibly blessed!

This pregnancy is FLYING by, and I can’t believe I only have 4 more months. We are still in our rental house, but Lord willing will be moving into our new home that’s currently being built around the time that the baby is here or soon after. It’s going to be a busy few months!

When I started thinking about what I will need for this baby this time around, I decided to make a list for you guys. Since we have a little boy, most of our blankets and pj’s are all shades of blue, so we definitely need some pink things for our little girly!

Here’s a list of some of my favorite baby, pregnancy, and postpartum items that I’ll be purchasing or using again:

  • Pregnancy: I have been using this Earth Mama Belly Oil, and really love it. I also recently purchased this belly band for back support.

  • A few blankets/swaddles for baby girl-we need some pink in our house!

  • The Ollie Swaddle: I borrowed this swaddle from a friend when I had Robert, and it was amazing. It’s velcro and works so much better than the other ones I tried. I will definitely be purchasing one for this baby.

  • Kyte Baby Sleep Sack: These are my absolute favorite sleep sacks for when baby drops the swaddle. Robert still sleeps in his Kyte Baby sleep sack every night.

  • AMMA nursing cover: I didn’t have this with Robert, but I know I’ll be nursing more on the go this time, so this will definitely come in handy. I love that it’s useful but still stylish at the same time. I also know people love this one that is less expensive!

  • Baby carrier: I wore Robert in the Solly Wrap when he was super tiny and really loved it, but I would love a carrier for when he’s a little bit bigger too. This one comes highly recommended, it’s just super pricey… I might try to find it on Facebook marketplace!

  • New bottles: They grow mildew, (especially in the little straws) so I got rid of most of our old ones. I want non-plastic bottles this time, so Como Tomo and glass bottles are what I’m going with.

  • Crib sheets: If there’s one piece of advice I would give would be to get multiple crib sheets. You need at least 3-4. Your baby will spit up, poop, or throw up on their sheets in the middle of the night and you need to have one or two clean just in case.

  • I am a big fan of not buying a bassinet for beside your bed because the baby will only sleep there for a little while. We used a simple Pack ‘N Play that had the bassinet attachment, and it worked great. We now take that Pack ‘N Play on every trip and use it ALL the time! We got this tri-fold travel mattress that is so comfy. There are some much more aesthetically pleasing travel cribs like the Nuna- they’re just more pricey.

  • Crib: We will most likely get the same crib as Robert because we really like it and love the price. I do want to get a new mattress and am thinking about the Newton Baby mattress.

  • Magnetic Me Pj's: These were our favorite pj’s when Robert was little bitty. They made middle of the night diaper changes so much easier. We also loved putting him in gowns and sleepers to make diaper changes easier. Pixie Lily has always been my favorite, and baby girl has lots of it coming her way!

  • When the baby is a little older, I love Lake Pajamas and Kissy Kissy pj’s!

  • Breast Pump: With this formula shortage, I am really hoping to breastfeed this baby as long as I can. I made it 11 months with Robert, and I hope to go even longer this time. My plan is to pretty much exclusively breastfeed because pumping and cleaning parts and bottles is SO much work (especially with a toddler). I ended up exclusively pumping for a few months with Robert, and I really liked my Spectra S1 Pump. I’ll hopefully order a new pump through my insurance if they allow that again. I also really liked this hand pump and will be buying a new one for when you need to pump on the go!

  • Stroller: We currently have the UPPAbaby Vista stroller and really love it. I either probably buy the seat adapter or the Piggyback Ride-Along Board (some of my friends with two children have this and love it). My sister recently got the Zoe double stroller for her boys, and they have nothing but great things to say about it, so I am considering that as well.

  • Frida Baby Newborn Kit and products: I’m a big fan of the Frida Baby products. We especially love using the snotsucker when Robert is sick.

  • Lounger/bouncer: We have a Docatot, and Boppy lounger, and bouncer. Robert also LOVED his swing and we got so much use out of that thing.

  • Carseat: We used the UPPAbaby Mesa infant car seat with Robert and will probably use the same from for this baby since it’s still in good shape. We got the Britax One For Life convertible car seat for Robert when he was a little bit bigger, and we have really liked it.

  • Diapers: At first I bought a lot of Pampers Swaddlers diapers because I liked that they were simple and white, but I quickly learned that I wasn’t a fan. They have a super strong scent, and I have become so sensitive to scented products. They also have lots of toxins in them, so I switched to Pampers Pure and am much happier. I also use Honest diapers some and love them as well.

  • Wipes: We have always used Water Wipes with Robert and he has never once had a diaper rash! I even brought them to the hospital so we wouldn’t have to use the hospital wipes.

  • Postpartum: Frida Mom Postpartum Kit- IYKYK. You can read all about my last labor, delivery and postpartum experience here. I had a pretty rough recovery, but the Frida Mama Postpartum Kit really helped me so much. I will definitely be getting this again!
    I also plan to use this nipple butter again for breastfeeding.


  1. How has this pregnancy been different than your last?

    Even though I thought it was a boy at first, my body felt a little different even from the beginning of this pregnancy. For one, I was extremely nauseous from about week 6-10, and it lasted all throughout the day. I never once threw up with Robert, but ended up getting sick this time. I am also breaking out and gaining weight in places I didn’t gain weight last pregnancy. They weren’t kidding when they said girls steal your beauty! It’s all so, so worth it though.

    My energy came back around 11 weeks, and I’ve been so busy chasing a toddler around that I sometimes forget I’m pregnant!

  2. What will you do differently this time around during labor and delivery?

    I had a pretty rough postpartum experience, and I think I have a little PTSD from it. I had a bad tear and lots of swelling, and I could barely walk for several weeks. I was in so much pain that I felt like I couldn’t care for my baby other than feed him, and I was in a mental fog. I barely remember those first few weeks. This time around, I am praying for a much better recovery so I can be more present and bond with this baby right away.

    I was induced last time, and I don’t think my body was quite ready to deliver, which resulted in a bad tear. I know nothing goes as planned, and I’m trying to stay super flexible, but I want to do things more naturally this time. In my dream world, I’ll go into labor at home, let my body progress naturally, go into the hospital when my contractions are close together, and then I’ll gently push this baby out without tearing😅

    I know there’s a slim chance that will actually happen, but a girl can dream right!?

  3. What’s one piece of advice you can give a new mom?

    Trust your mom gut! This time around I am not going to be so worried about a schedule, and I think I’ll be much more laid back. Every baby is so different, and I think moms truly forget about their motherly instinct (I know I did). Instead we are so worried about following a “rule book,” and we forget that God gave us the ability to take care of these little ones! 

    Also, there is no better mother for your child than YOU. Don’t compare yourself to anyone else.

  4. Do you plan to breastfeed again?

    Yes! Lord willing, I will exclusively breastfeed this baby as long as I can. These formula shortages are absolutely breaking my heart, and I have been thinking and praying for all the mama’s struggling to feed their babies. I’m praying that our government (ahem, the Biden administration…) puts America first and takes care of this problem. It’s so terrifying thinking about not being able to feed your baby.

    When we did supplement with formula with Robert, I loved Bobbie formula, and I felt really great about all the ingredients I was giving him!

  5. What are some of your favorite websites or Instagram accounts to follow for more natural mama things?

    I’ve definitely turned into a more “crunchy" mama since having Robert. I’ve learned so much from these wise doctors, nutritionists, nurses, and fellow mothers. Dr. Green Mom, Just Ingredients, Purely Parsons, Shannon Tripp, Dr. Ana Maria Temple, and Essentially Erin are a few of my favorites! I also really love this Mama Natural pregnancy book!

  6. How did you balance taking care of Robert while not feeling well in the first trimester?

    I’m not really sure because it was a blur, but I do know that Daniel helped so much! I was an anti-screen time mom before, but turning on the tv for Robert helped me survive some days... We took it really slow and didn’t do much for a few weeks. It has gotten so much better in the second trimester!

  7. Favorite baby bath products?

    We currently use Babo Botanicals soap/shampoo, Babo Botanicals lotion, and Henry’s Homestead Healing Salve for dry patches.

  8. Must-haves for nursery?

    Keekaroo peanut changer, Ubbi diaper pail (although we now take most dirty diapers straight outside), a good monitor (we have the Infant Optics one), and drawer organizers are a few of the necessities. Everything else is just fun!

  9. Best freezer meals post birth?

    I froze several batches of my Healthy Baked Oatmeal right before Robert was born, and I absolutely loved having that on hand when I had a newborn. It’s great for milk supply if you’re breastfeeding, and also super filling.

    I also plan to make and freeze some meals like enchiladas, a healthy and hearty soup, lasagna, etc…

  10. When did Robert sleep through the night?

    He teased us when he was 11 weeks old and slept through the night for a few days, but then a sleep regression hit, this mama caved and nursed him to sleep in the middle of the night for a long time. He finally consistently started sleeping through the night at 8.5 months, and mama and daddy were so happy! I could never do cry it out, but I know that works for a lot of families. Do whatever works best for YOU.

  11. Bump friendly dresses?

    Casual dresses: Here, here, and here.

    Nicer dresses: Here, here, and here.

  12. What are you most excited about for this new baby?

    I am so excited to watch Robert become a big brother and have a build-in best friend!

We can’t wait to meet you, little one!!

“For You formed my inmost being; You knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Marvelous are Your works, and I know this very well.…” Psalm 139:13